Automate your SaaS delivery and operations with SaaSOps

Increase your SaaS profitability by 90%.
In 3 to 5 days. Without coding.

Proven Customer Outcomes




SaaSify and Publish to AWS Marketplace


Lower Cost

SaaS Delivery and Operations



SaaS Sales Cycles

Explore Real Customer Success Stories

Usage-based Billing & AI/Analytics
MapR Logo Image

Enabling Metered Billing as a Service for AI/Analytics Platform on AWS

Learn More
Self-service Financial Engine
Mifos Logo Image

Open finance engine goes SaaS, empowering self-service for the unbanked

Learn More
Multi-subscriber Employee Knowledge Centre
MyEKC Logo Image

SaaSification of an Innovative Employee Knowledge Center on Microsoft Azure

Learn More
Blockchain Enabled Cloud Solutions
BlockChain Logo Image

Blockchain enabled Cloud Storage application SaaSified to AWS marketplace

Learn More

The Era Of Developing Your Own SaaS Is Over.

Remember when programmers had to develop their own data structures before databases? With SaaSOps, next-gen SaaS companies no longer have to develop and manage their own SaaS capabilities.

Just Plug In Your Software Application To SaaSOps

SaaSOps Video Placeholder Image

Automated SaaS Enablement

in 3 to 5 days

Automated SaaS

reduce operating costs by 90%

Automated Cloud Marketplace Publication

transactable in 3-5 days

  • AWS Logo Image
  • Azure Logo Image
  • Google Cloud Logo Image

Automation You Can’t Find Elsewhere in SaaS

Manual tasks slowing you down? Automate subscriber onboarding, resource provisioning, and more for a streamlined SaaS experience.
End-to-end Saasification capabilities - Icon Image

End-to-end Saasification capabilities

Create, publish, & automate subscriber lifecycle - Icon Image

Create, publish, & automate subscriber lifecycle

Geo/local SaaS? Handle Regional Data Compliance - Icon Image

Geo/local SaaS? Handle Regional Data Compliance

Automation You Can’t Find Elsewhere in SaaS - BG Image
Simplify your SaaS Deployment to Cloud Marketplaces - BG Image

Simplify Your SaaS Deployment to Cloud Marketplaces

Slow and complex deployment processes can suck development time. Streamlining your approach can unlock faster market access and eliminate ongoing maintenance burdens.
Deploy in days, not months - Icon Image

Deploy in days, not months

Don’t worry about maintenance - Icon Image

Don’t worry about maintenance

Stay Cloudsavvy as marketplaces evolve - Icon Image

Stay Cloudsavvy as marketplaces evolve

Control Cloud Costs with Granular Billing

Unpredictable cloud bills can eat away at your budget. Granular approach to billing can meter usage, define tiered pricing structures, and control access to features by subscription levels.
Monitor and meter on-the-fly - Icon Image

Monitor and meter on-the-fly

Upgrade subscribers based on usage - Icon Image

Upgrade subscribers based on usage

Meter select application features in tiered subscription - Icon Image

Meter select application features in tiered subscription

Control Cloud Costs with Granular Billing - BG Image
Boost your Branding, Credibility, and Revenue - BG Image

Boost your Branding, Credibility, and Revenue

Limited market reach can cripple your growth. Cloud marketplaces like AWS offer a vast pool of potential customers, ready to discover your solutions. Expand your reach and unlock new revenue streams.
Meet Cloud marketplace demand - Icon Image

Meet Cloud marketplace demand

Leverage AWS marketplace’s credibility, comfort, and trust - Icon Image

Leverage AWS marketplace’s credibility, comfort, and trust

Expand your reach to Cloud marketplaces - Icon Image

Expand your reach to Cloud marketplaces

Pricing Plans

SaaSOps Marketizer

$500 / month

Per Application

SaaSify and Publish on AWS Marketplace

  • Tick Icon Image Publish application(s) on AWS Marketplace

  • Tick Icon Image Create and publish SaaS subscription offerings

  • Tick Icon Image Automate subscriber registration and management

  • Tick Icon Image Auto-provision (IT resources) for subscribers

  • Tick Icon Image Automate customized notifications to subscribers

Advanced SaaS Capabilities

  • Cross Icon Image Meter the usage of select application features

  • Cross Icon Image Enable usage-based micro-billing

  • Cross Icon Image Enable tiered, volume-based pricing

  • Cross Icon Image Upgrade subscribers from bronze to silver or something

  • Cross Icon Image Control access to application features for each subscription tier

Get Started

SaaSOps Pro

$1000 / month

Per Application

SaaSify and Publish on AWS Marketplace

  • Tick Icon Image Publish application(s) on AWS Marketplace

  • Tick Icon Image Create and publish SaaS subscription offerings

  • Tick Icon Image Automate subscriber registration and management

  • Tick Icon Image Auto-provision (IT resources) for subscribers

  • Tick Icon Image Automate customized notifications to subscribers

Advanced SaaS Capabilities

  • Tick Icon Image Meter the usage of select application features

  • Tick Icon Image Enable usage-based micro-billing

  • Tick Icon Image Enable tiered, volume-based pricing

  • Tick Icon Image Upgrade subscribers from bronze to silver or something

  • Tick Icon Image Control access to application features for each subscription tier

Get Started